Alright, class, we have 39 students and 40 seats.
That one dyslexic kid thinking he’s Superman:
Alright, class, we have 39 students and 40 seats.
That one dyslexic kid thinking he’s Superman:
Falco: Dreaming of a day when I don’t hear people say I’m a knockoff Fox, knockoff Fox.
Fox: Dreaming of a day when you die in a fire and I get all your aerial skills.
Falco: Wat...
First bite: Oh my God!
Second bite: Oh my, God!
Edward Robinson + Grant Wisler = WHAT THE FU**?
Yo mama so fat that she was the float in the Thanksgiving Day Parade with Kermit the Frog
Long time since I made a joke huh? I used a Time Machine to make this one
“The difference between Asians and Caucasians is the cau-