Kai :)

Registered on · 74 followers

https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87194166346?pwd=L2hGREhSZDFyM0dpclhPMy9ueTNyQT09 please join, either :hello: or TruePhantom0

wait@ truephantom0, can you explain the whole situation as clearly as possible?

hey, @MU you might not see this, but I would VERY much appreciate it if you would stop spamming. It's really getting on my nerves, and you don't need to capitalize every goddamn word. Also, just, ya know, saying this right now while I have the chance. you may be in 4th grade, but because of that, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. If no one is on, PLEASE DONT SPAM. even if someone IS on, STILL don't spam. they may… Read more

Omg hru guys, i went to a mental hospital all weekend, but, IM BACK AHHS

https://worstjokesever.com/jokes/60a56f437c297e0dcf76cddd/can-we-please-stop-the-fricking-drama im laughing so hard im crying- @Dagger you see this shit?

We should totally start a 2nd language war.

De plus, je veux juste énerver certaines personnes. c'est marrant :DD Je n'ai pas l'habitude de parler à personne, vraiment, dans mes autres langues, donc ça pourrait être amusant. commentez votre langue puis COMMENCEZ L'OPÉRATION GUERRE DES LANGUES

oh and if you cant read any of it, use google translate. its not rocket science.

hey guys, sorry to say, but i will be taking a two-month break from WJE. Im done dealing with ashton and i will not be logging into my acc. if you have anything to say, say it.