
Registered on · 1 follower

Oh, fuckshit, bitch, damn cocksucker Pussy, asshole, cunt Mother fuckin’ dirty whore, shat onto my lunch Pisscunt, damn bitch, suck my dick Jesus Harold Christ Shit bitch, cocksucker, Goddamn motherfucker, pussy, asshole cunt

A cock really has a sad life, he’s hairs a mess his neighbors an areshole his best friend is a cunt.

A boy walks up to a girl and says " i would tell you a joke about my dick but it’s too long" then the girl say’s " yeah, i would tell you a joke about my pussy but you’ll never get it."

I broke up with my girlfriend so I stole her wheelchair and guess who came crawling back.

What’s the best thing about midgets??

They don’t need to bend while giving blowjobs.

Whats the difference between a prostitute and a drug dealer?

The prostitute can wash her crack and sell it again.

What’s the difference between oral sex and anal sex?

Oral sex will make your whole day. Anal sex will make your hole weak.