

My sister thinks she's so smart. She said, "Onions are the only food that makes you cry." So I threw a coconut at her.

Chuck Norris would have died a couple of years ago, but death hasn't built up the courage to tell him.

Grandma: young people your age are married by now,why aren’t you?

Me: old people your age are dead right now, why aren’t you?

Guy: Do you know how to draw women's rights Girl: No how Guy: All you need is a blank paper and that's it

Two priests are in a bar one says to the other priest Ill swap you 2 5 for a 10

Bro.. tampons look like sperms and they go up your coochie

Your so skinny that the professor thought you were the skeleton

Studies have shown that in London, a person is stabbed 24 times a second. Poor bastard...

How do you check that a rabbit is old?

You check how many grey hares it has

What's the difference between an orphan and a baseball player?

A baseball player has a home to run to.

What skeleton says when he have lots of work? I have ton of work, skele-ton.

If I adopt a child is it mine ?? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😳