Face Reveal


Comments (113)

Gay ass emo kill yourself


bruh anon go back into your fucking moms basment

ima come up with one for you is that okay:)

63 additional comments


Damn that was fun to watch


No offence to you guys but you shouldnt get so lit up over an anon

Me? No that guy is an asshole

No im not him he is a piece of shit

I have the same views over Lgbtq but i dont insult people over it

Emos are just people that are suffering and need a little compassion

Yeah i hate people that insult others for no reason snd hide like cowards

The words ā€œsaddistā€ and ā€œyuppieā€ would fit him well

Even my local lgbtq haters donā€™t like people who pull shit like that

Guys I posted ā€œif tgis gets 15 likes Iā€™ll do face revealā€ find it in community itā€™s at like 6 and like it if you want me to do face reveal

Hey guys im back like serval times

I think that anon is right Gay people, actually, I'm not bisexual and I'm actually straight never liked a woman in my life and I just wanted what it would be like just acting like I'm bisexual, but guys, and end of the story. No offense to anyone that is Gay.

bro go get some sun you look like a vampire-