Evil Duck Lords Of America18 days agoIn-jokeFollowIf you dislike my memes show yourself by commenting that you don't like me
Cosmo the Intern18 days agoi never said that i don't like you, but this isn't an injoke and so it doesn't belong here
Cosmo the Intern13 days agoand btw, if a person dislikes a meme it's most likely because they don't like the meme
Cosmo the Intern
i never said that i don't like you, but this isn't an injoke and so it doesn't belong here
Evil Duck Lords Of America
it is like auto doing it sorry
Cosmo the Intern
oh alr
Cosmo the Intern
and btw, if a person dislikes a meme it's most likely because they don't like the meme
Evil Duck Lords Of America
but they should at least show themselves