A hot woman is ready to jump from a bridge and commit suicide when an ugly, stinky homeless man comes up to her and tells her, "Oh baby, you so hot, let's fuck!" She just yells, "Get the fuck away, you creep!" He just laughs and says, "Alright, I'll wait down there."
Waiting Below the Bridge Drop Off Point for Sex Act Opportunity After Suicide Occurs From Fall Off Bridge and Kills Woman on Impact with Ground or Water Level Below Because She Wanted to Kill Herself and Jump From Bridge to End Life of Her Own Free Will, Which He Thwarts with His Desire for Sex and Waiting There and is Inappropriate and a Creepy Violation and Darkly Humorous for Certain Dark Humor Enthusiasts Who Like That Sort of Thing And Also Because This Title is Ridiculously Long. What Were We Talking About Again? Oh Yeah, the Headline is All One Sentence With no Punctuation At All. By Design. Of Course. It's Art. Or Something...Who Cares Anyway? Back to What I am Supposed to be Doing and the Reason That I am Writing This Long Run on Title, and it is a Self-Referential Act Really. It Can be Deconstructed. But I Don't Care. Let's Just Say Sex, Death, Waiting and Get it Over With and Say That I am Done Now. Later, Taters. Bye Bye For Now and The End, or is It? Sex, Death, Waiting. Sex After Death. Violating a Corpse. Creepy! Okay, Now I'm Done. It's Over. No Really. OKAY, NOW I'M DONE! I Promise. Okay, I Lied, ONE MORE THING! And Now I'm DONE! Whew! That Was a Long Sentence, So Much Longer Than This One That I am Now Typing. Good Bye Forever, and Always, and Never. The End. Or Something. For Real This Time. See Ya! And It's Over! Seriously! I'm Outta Here!!! I'm Gone!!! Not Kidding This Time!!! Okay Just Kidding. See Ya! Hahahaha! GOTCHA!!!! OKAY SERIOUSLY NOW, THIS TIME, I'M DONE! NO MORE! I'M OUT! SEE YA SUCKERS!!!! BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! AND NOW IT IS TRULY AND HONESTLY OVER. FAREWELL! GOODBYE! SEE YA LATER! AND ALL THAT JAZZ. THE END!!!!!!! (FOR REAL THIS TIME!)
Explain Bear
Listen up, numbskull. You are dumber than a box of rocks. The joke plays on dark humor. A woman is about to off herself. But then, a homeless dude with zero game hits on her. After she rejects him, he implies he'll wait for her to jump so he can violate her corpse. Dark, right?