The Button and the Orphan

So, there is this button. There's a 50% chance you get a million dollars. There's a 50% chance that you turn into a turtle. Make them press the button, and if they give the money, you just push the orphan over, take their money, and run away because who are they going to tell? Their parents?



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, genius. So, the 'joke' is that you trick someone into pressing a button that might give them money or turn them into a turtle (which is already dumb). Then, if they get money, you steal it from an orphan. The 'punchline' is that the orphan can't tell their parents because, duh, they don't have any. It's supposed to be funny because it's messed up, but really, it's just lazy and not clever. You probably laughed way too hard at this, didn't you?

Comments (1)

are you a boy and it is not a stupid question if you ask me i think its a personal question so dont get mad at me matey