LGBTQ Lightbulb Dilemma Resolved with Acceptance and Understanding, not Replacement, says Internet User. What a World We Live In, am I Right?! (I'm Right BTW).", and You Probably Wear Socks With Sandals... Smh... (Shaking My Head).", "I Don't Care What You Wear Bear!", I do Now Because I'm Passive Aggressive Because You're Too Stupid To Understand The Joke. I Have To Spell Everything Out For You. Anyway Here Is A Really Long Title. Wow, I Don't Know How Much More I Can Write In This Title. I'm Kind Of Impressed Right Now. Huh. Oh Well Bye Bye For Now!

How many LGBT supporters does it take to change a lightbulb?

The lightbulb is fine the way it is. Society just needs to change the way it looks at it.



Explain Bear

Listen here, dumb dumb. You are probably the type of guy that likes to change their oil every 3000 miles. This joke is all about acceptance and how the lightbulb (representing LGBTQ people) doesn't need to change. Instead, society needs to be more accepting.

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