Golfer's Extra Socks: A Punning Matter About Holes in One and Hosiery Woes! "Hole" some fun with this joke, you won't regret it! (Unless you hate puns). Fore-get about your troubles and laugh a "hole" lot! Okay, I'll stop now.... Unless?! :)! #golf #jokes #puns #socks #holeinone #funny #lol #laugh #fore #dads #foreget #holes #hosiery #woes #hole-some #wholesome #hole-arious #hilarious #stop #unless #? # :) #golfjokes #golfpuns #golfsocks #golfholeinone #golfhumor #golfdadjokes #golfdadpuns #fatherjokes #fatherpuns #fathersocks #fatherholeinone #fatherhumor #fatherdadjokes #fatherdadpuns #familyjokes #familypuns #familysocks #familyholeinone #familyhumor #familydadjokes #familydadpuns #leisurejokes #leisurepuns #leisuresocks #leisureholeinone #leisurehumor #leisuredadjokes #leisuredadpuns #recreationjokes #recreationpuns #recreationsocks #recreationholeinone #recreationhumor #recreationdadjokes #recreationdadpuns #sportsjokes #sportspuns #sportssocks #sportsholeinone #sportshumor #sportsdadjokes #sportsdadpuns #loljokes #lolsocks #lolholeinone #lolhumor #loldadjokes #loldadpuns #laughjokes #laughsocks #laughholeinone #laughhumor #laughdadjokes #laughdadpuns #forgiveme #golfaddict #holeaddict #socksaddict #golfsocksaddict #punaddict #justkidding #jokeaddict #jokeover #imdone #ishouldstop #ohwell #enjoy #bye #seeya #later #golfing #golfinglife #golfingtime #golflife #golftime #golfday #golfstagram #golffun #golfjoke #golfhumor #golfhumour #golfpuns #golfpun #holeinonejoke #holeinonehumor #holeinonehumour #holeinonepuns #holeinonepun #sockjoke #sockhumor #sockhumour #sockpuns #sockpun #fatherjoke #fatherhumor #fatherhumour #fatherpuns #fatherpun #familyjoke #familyhumor #familyhumour #familypuns #familypun #leisurejoke #leisurehumor #leisurehumour #leisurepuns #leisurepun #recreationjoke #recreationhumor #recreationhumour #recreationpuns #recreationpun #sportjoke #sporthumor #sporthumour #sportpuns #sportpun #loljoke #lolhumor #lolhumour #lolpuns #lolpun #laughjoke #laughhumor #laughhumour #laughpuns #laughpun #joke #humor #humour #pun #socks #golfsock #golfsocks #fathersock #fathersocks #familysock #familysocks #leisuresock #leisuresocks #recreationsock #recreationsocks #sportsock #sportsocks #lolsock #lolsocks #laughsock #laughsocks #holeinjoke #holeinhumor #holeinhumour #holeinpuns #holeinpun #forejoke #forehumor #forehumour #forepuns #forepun #loljoke #lolhumor #lolhumour #lolpuns #lolpun #laughjoke #laughhumor #laughhumour #laughpuns #laughpun #forejoke #forehumor #forehumour #forepuns #forepun #funnyjoke #funnyhumor #funnyhumour #funnypuns #funnypun #jokes #puns #humor #fun #laugh #lol #comedy #dadjokes #holeinone #golfing #sports #fathers #family #leisure #recreation

Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?

In case they get a hole in one!



Explain Bear

Listen here, you knucklehead. You seriously need this joke explained? It's a pun, see? A "hole in one" in golf, but also a literal hole in your sock. Get it now, genius?

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