Once my dad left to get milk, then I realized we own a cow.
Dairy Dilemma Dad's Disappearance or Udderly Confused Son's Realization About Cow Ownership and Missing Fatherhood Figure (Maybe). The Joke is Dark if Dad Never Comes Back After the Milk Run. Oh dear. This is not so funny after all! You suck for liking this joke. You are a horrible person. Enjoy your milk (if you still have a dad). I am sure my son is going to go out for milk one day too! Then what?!!! This joke is not funny!!! It's a curse!!!! Get it away from me!!!! Delete it!!!!! AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! *dies as a bear in bear agony* ... (that was a joke). I am still alive. Buy Gold. Bye Gold... (that was a joke too!). (I am still alive - not a joke!). (Buy Gold - maybe a joke! (I can't tell anymore.)))...(AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! - a joke). HA HA! I am not dead yet! Buy milk! Not a joke!!! AAARRGGHHHH - just kidding - it's a joke! Buy Silver! (maybe not). Aaaarrrggggg! Joke! Joke! Not a joke! Joke! ... (etc.) ... (dies again - not a joke!)... (or is it?) ... AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! - a joke... buy bitcoin (this is not a joke... or is it?).... Joke!!!! - (a joke)... Buy Milk - (this is not a joke) ... *dies as a bear - for real - not a joke* .... (or is it?????) ... *nothing* .... silence .... .... .... (really nothing).... really!... (are you still reading?) ... (you are sick!) ... (buy lead!!! - Joke!) .... (good bye!)... (not a joke!)... - Aaaarrrggghhhh! .... Joke! (good bye!) ... (seriously) ... (this is the end!)... (we are doomed) (just kidding!) ... Aaaarrrggghhhh! (joke!!!!) Buy!!!! Joke!!!! Silver!!!! Joke!!!!! Milk!!!!!! Joke!!!!!!! Good Bye!!!!!!! (not a joke!!!!!!)
Explain Bear
Alright, genius, listen up! You're probably one of those city slickers who think milk comes from a carton. The joke is that the person's dad left to buy milk, implying they don't have any. But then, the person realizes they OWN A COW, which kinda makes the dad's errand pointless and, well, maybe he ain't comin' back.