

So if you say a bear shoots children and leah likes Mason Boswells and I go to Benjamin adlard year 6

Comments (216)

What does that mean

this is winterr


this is winterr


nd winter is mine

Same with Apollo so hah

same w/

he don got a name

name him


thats william


u can have em

my fave is winter

I will GLADLY take it


my fave is winter

W winter tho πŸ™

Yum Myan

Do u come with him


nd u get bof for free

afk u stay hea

my dad nd his gf taking a fuckin shower nd my dad said hes been wating all day to w/ her.......................

That’s a lil tmi

oh js u wait

im drawing =D

Nice! I love the draw dr

im not even closed to finshed

Good drawing take time I get it

Stop watching illegally downloaded porn

Comment deleted by Yum Myan

wahts ththt say

What’s what say?

Comment deleted

what did this sya

It says β€œComment deleted”

what did it used to say

β€œI didn’t know I’m sozies

telll me the truth

Liar that it said something else or lair that I did know

tell me the truth nd i wnt bite next time

What if I like when u bite me

But fr if genuinely said β€œI didn’t know I’m sozies”

put me throughh slave trsaning

Okie Dokie πŸ‘

this bitch is fucking dead ive had hims ense 2015

my rooms a mess-

the other half

Yea I mean all u gotta do is pcick it up a lil

the fucking drawer

im gettigni closer

And then the lol hill

i was so sad when i left fridy

I would be too probably

omg this planet looks upside down

Yum Myan

I would be too probably

i mean when i had to leave uuuuuuu

leave our convo


i mean when i had to leave uuuuuuu

Oh yea well then I was a lil sadgew

tecnially i won cuz i left ^^

It’s disqualification

lemme have it.

let me have this win

itll be the only 1


my bg

Nice background


i rember-


Oh wow that’s a cool drrss



That’s wildly wild!

Well that’s obviously the fake ons


why tf do i haev i have a picture of my waist-

I’d assume it’s normal

Why do I have a Timelapse of me petting my cat

cuz kitty

thats was fucking me


Daddy mal 🀀

my fave ride

i am js goig throu my ss's rn..

Isn’t that that’s djdjsjk


i am js goig throu my ss's rn..

Ah ok

Yum Myan

Isn’t that that’s djdjsjk


Nothin I recognize that from a wimpy kid book or something

i h8 when im not gettin railed

for a few mins

stay heaaa

nd sorry

im not even gunna ask about the person but i took a test

oh hiiiiii

And sorry my dad made chaos I mean caseoh


im not even gunna ask about the person but i took a test

lol nice

i relate to peter pan

i don wanna grow up

yo why did i tear up tf

withc 1 do ido

Both but second then dorst

i can only do 1 b4 it js fades away

Oh then do the insecure one

fuck yeah

ma murder sum1 now

No don’t do that

heheheh fine

ill only murder if i hv to