

Died and came back a cowboy, I call that reintarnation

Comments (12)

Dude that was actually really funny. Like no joke that was the funniest thing i ever heard in my entire life. I'm not even being sarcastic, that legit made me bust a gut! Are you sure you're not some sort of comedian deep down dude? Like, seriously, no joke. that's the best thing I've ever heard in my entire life. I'm actually surprised that I'm not dead from laughter right now. Holy shit, dude. Holy shit! You need to go to a comedy club and say that to a whole audience. I'm not even exaggerating! Everyone is looking at me funny because I was laughing so hard. But when I let them all in on the joke, they all started to laugh too. I'ts gotten to the point where everyone in the room is simultaneously shitting their pants laughing. It smells like poop in this room right now and it's all because of your hilarious joke! God speed, man.

Oh! I almost forgot... give me all your money.

*Texan accent* No way partner

Fucking dumbass nu-Americans don't even know what a cowboy is.

I'm Texan