
If I saw a homosexual or transsexual man do so much as TOUCH my child, he would be dead, zombified, and castrated by the end of the day. Protect your young'uns from these degenerate freaks and live off the grid so they have no bearing on your life.

Comments (20)

Shouldn’t it be any man/woman touches your child? Or is your pastor exempt from that asskicking

I would do it to any person who dared touch my child, but troons and gays are the ones who prey on children the most and are enabled and idolized by society.

And our pastor is a good, pure man, who would never harm a child. Quite a difference to the living horseshit that runs your city "churches".

I agree, dislikers are sad pedophile freaks that need to be gunned down in a single file line in view of each other.

trus me btw, nobody wants to be near u or ur child LMFAOO you dont need to worry

Actually you are the stupid ass bitch because you are too braindead to realize that if I won't let degenerates touch my children then they damn well won't become them

And nobody wants to be near us because they respect us. Including YOU, though you don't believe it because you're away from me on your device. If I saw your little cunt ass in my woods I'd tear your fucking face off, eat your scrawny head, and let my child have the leftovers. We would both vomit at having to eat something so vile anyway.

w Hillbilly

@homocidal tendencies kys zoomer trash, you are unloved and you will never amount to anything. ">LMFAOO" ">stupid a bsh" Hang yourself

I respect virtuous hillbilly for being a cannibal. Sigma rule #1001. Cannibalize those who disagree with you.

@Anonymous4, @Anonymous5 Shut the fuck up and die LARP garbage you aren't one of us.

@homicidal tendencies you talk like a teen... are you? 😈

what the heck happened here...

I was confused why this was on a joke website at first but then I realised the joke was you!

you are the typical edgelord hiding behind a screen who does not mean anything that he says "virtuoushillbilly. And In general you have much more to worry about with priests at churches and even "normal" strangers.
