

Comments (44)

you look even sexier tdy

i kinda feel bad for jackie ngl. Lmao.

That bitch is too bad for me.

I'm better than him

I agree. Us together is totally better.

O-O shittt.....

Go away jackie.

why did yll leave meh???

Pshh. bish, we never liked you. Me and Allie are actual dating. Right buba?

so you effing bishes are gay?

i guess thats the word.

yeah, we useed u babe.

now can u just go? You shouldn't have fallen for us so easily.


Sorry, i accidenly wrote annie lol. Srry sandy

What the frick yall? What you did to Jackie was fucked up.

Let's go. Were too good for these basturds.

WTF? Their too good? Nobody is beeter than me!! Ugh. (Except you, Allie)

I'mma call Sancho..want me to tell u what he says?


I asked him about what I said yesterday.

huh? what did you ask yesterday????

I thought i told u...I guess I just told Haley...

I asked him for sex :DD

OMG> he said yeah :)

what did ur boyfriend say?

i didn't ask. lmao

gtg take a shower. Love u babe

tommorow I'll tell you the rest of what he said :D

K. Love you so much!!

love u my sexy babe :^