
What does shrek and onions have in common?

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Comments (5)

hahahhahhahah thats soo dunny You SHould Kill treat your but wai tlet me take a selffifn NOW self me when the dabay amoug us sus roblox tick tiok roblock tick tiok my friend joe uLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLoln fortnite alai bassed boosth hello based apartment round 71 5 times subway eat fetish deez nuts ha im joe bidens husbain vibne boom mom says i have 2 mintuse left on the ipad vine boom vibem bommm kuhc4q3gximgaghyh je joe joe joej joej jeojeojejoejoejoejoje joe biden hepoeee3339u8ufifi

are u retarded my nlgga

absolutely hysterical, btw kill yourself

that joke was already dumb dumbass.

go kill urself