Origin of Names

One day, there were three people: a mom and two kids. One of the kids walks up and asks her mom why she was named Rose. Her mom told her that she ate a rose petal when she was born; that is why she was named Rose.

Then the second child walked up and yelled, "Ahhhhhh!" and the mom said, "Shut up, Billy Goat!"



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, dummy! The joke is dark and morbid. The mom names her kids after what she ate when they were born. The first kid was "Rose" because she ate a rose petal. The joke implies that she ate a billy goat when the second kid was born, hence his name. It's funny because it's unexpected and kinda messed up. You probably thought naming kids after flowers was peak humor, huh?

Comments (1)

I've heard it " a girl named Lilly asks her parents why she was named Lilly, they told her because when she was born a Lilly floated on her face so they named her Lilly, then their other daughter named rose came in and asked the same question, they gave the same answere, then the youngest came in yelling ajebeje rjwhdifjeiqoqooaakaaabaaahahahaah, yeah her name is brick"