

Comments (47)

no i am not i swear i am a girl


what do you like to do in your free time?

I like to watch chick flicks

what do you like to doo in your free time?

i like to play call of duty cold war, read harry potter, and watch movies

oh, btw how old are you?

That's awesome your such a sweet nice and kind one. Your my perfect one.

here is a code so we can speak it: 1: a, 2:b, 3:c, 4:d, 5:e, 6:f, 7:g, 8:h, 9:i, 10:j, 11:k, 12:l, 13:m, 14:n, 15:o, 16:p, 17:q, 18:r, 19:s, 20:t, 21:u, 22:v, 23:w, 24:x, 25:y, 26:z

and comma is between letters so we know what words we are speaking to eachother

lets get to know eachother a little bit, like looks

I have blue eyes, I'm 5 feet tall, and dirty blond. Go to this website melissa

anyways thanks for the code talk i am 14 years old and i have brown eyes. I am pretty sure your one of my type and i really hope i get to know u more thanks.

i can't find the website it says error :(

oh, I'm sorry:( . i dont know if this website is going to work but here we go.

do you have a zoom?

if you do, we can zoom call eachother :):):):)

btw, my name is actually zeke, sorry. Could you forgive me?

9 12 15 22 5 25 15 21

do you want to call tomorrow at 3:30 PM Idaho time? which is mountain time

how about 3:30 PM today mountain time?

hello? are you there?

HI sure i just had to go to school so yea but now i am here. Yea i will like to join your meeting anytime

John give me your link to you zoom. zeke you can be my friend because i know you have a crush on me but John likes me already. we can be bestfriends. Join Me and johns zoom john will make it.

if yall can't make it join mine.

make sure to be there at 1:00 to 5:00 alright saturday and sunday only

are you there?

are you there?

sorry i was busy i couldn't make my meeting zeke.

wtf is this..