
Here is the meaning of the name Gwen! Good Wise enough nice Mean meaning of the name Gwen! Grumpy Words Enough Nasty


Comments (8)

Say my name is Gwendlen...and that mean girl name Gwen is really mean...she made fun of my name for no reason!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't indend to Gwendlen. I just thought it was a coincadince (how ever you spell it) that there was 2 Gwens because it's a rare name, and I had never met another gwen in my life so please forgive me if it hurt you. :)

Oh sorry U should have said that but hey I don't hate U should check the ur friends thing about the dumb bullies the unknown guys name is going to reveled! Btw I am on ur side!

lets start an army of gwens friends against gwens bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's alright Gwendlen Brown it was my fault to!

Aiden I'm speechless, your just tooo good of a friend!