1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. The male and female of each living thing. a girlfriend; sweetheart.
Older Use: Usually Offensive. a female servant, as a maid.
Kennedy Harfie
Jorden jadkoe
I think woman are better!
Jarod J
Will girls are cuter!
Sofia cakram
Why are you asking that?!
Farod girson
Both cause women are really just girls just more grown, really it does not matter if you ask me!
Camiya erichson
Yes but sometimes women are more! btw I am girl!
Gemini Karnet
Yes but kids have more!
Tatiana Pajdie
Gemini is a stupid name!
Jariah Cokend
what the **** is this?
Pieces Jonson
Hello! My name is Pieces!
Pedo ass nicahs
If you got somthin' rude to say then DON'T
Who cares!
Kenya Bailey
Why does it even matter!
Maya Harone
To be honest woman, have curvs and kids don't so woman are better
Kenya Bailey
Will kids grow to get them sooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
The science
1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. The male and female of each living thing. a girlfriend; sweetheart. Older Use: Usually Offensive. a female servant, as a maid.
Kenya Bailey
What does sex mean!
Tenya Bailey
Genders kenya Genders!