
Knock Knock who's there? Rape Rape who? I go rape you! Hahahaahahahaha Please comment: Bad or good!


Comments (20)

Dang there is no pleasing you!

Yea there is!

In some cases this bitch needs to stop I don't mean you guys I mean here! That girl that wrote this fruking joke

Wasn't me. Why do you call youself slut anyway you don't deserve such a name!

Idk plus cutedog#424 was taken so chose this! tht word does not really offends me cause I not a S word.

Wanna know who is a slut...G.W.E.N

Well what do you want from me? How do I describe myself? WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT ME!

U din't want anything from you!

Who the hell is this Unknown person? WHY IS HE/SHE ASKING FOR GWEN? Say Unknown person why are you being such a JACKASS?

I wouldn't go so far as to call he/she a jackass. I don't really mind him wanting me, but if he keeps asking it is gonna get annoying.

Man you are so postive! Still you have amazing citinship!

Thanks :)

Is this supposed to be a joke? Where is the funny? Seriously, a knock knock joke? What are you, 12? Come up with something more creative next time and I'll find it funni then

You Must be an Eleven YR?

You Must be a Ten Yr Old.