
What does an asian call a penis? A WONG

What does an asian do with its legs? IT WOK


Comments (56)

kay here

yk how this site is kinda really homaphobic


if i tell em i got a gf would they js react the same way?

do you have a gf?

they may not since they actually like you


Cause its half the reason i was hated @ first

oh cool

well Amy's bi nd people don't care

its cause shes always single

i non-stop talk abt who im w/ when im w/ them


yeah i dunno

i h8 not telling u guys like everything

yeah i get that but if you feel like you'll get hated for this then it may be best to not say anything abt it

thats a little hard when she knows I use this site 2 talk 2 pple

oh dang

nd wilkin nd wade nd yk im dating someone

js idk if anyonell wanna meet em


yeah i think the only way to know if you'll be hated is to j tell people

if any of these people are decent friends then they won't care

ima hide 4 a while js in case


i dont like not telling them things

they should be good freidns so i should be ok.

okay good luck :)

love you too char



anyways ima go back to like normal chats

okayyy <3