
1 your so dumb you thing Cheerios are donut seeds! 2. Your so fat you could sell shade! 3. Your just like coconut water, nobody likes you! 4 you been shopping lately because there selling lives around the corner, you should go get one! If being ugly was a crime, you would get a life sentence !! Are these good


Comments (18)

Damn auto correct think*

you are good


Not bad, but can you roast me to make sure if your the real roast king?

get that out of here auto correct and J0K35 i can roast you so bad oh my god

J0K35 was asking roast king you braindead dumbshit

Dumb ass bitch wanna fucking fight I dont fucking care if you male or female drop your addy

damn cant Even fucking cuss

Arent those from loveliveserve??

Most were good! I like cocnut watr tho😹

i like coconut water


Cheerios are bagel seeds you use the bagels to make donuts you cant grow a cheerio because they poke a hole out and that's where the seed is they want you to pay extra for cheerios and donuts