
Stop joking about suicide, it's not funny. You people must be so ignorant to be able to joke about such serious issues that you clearly are uneducated on.


Comments (47)

Humor is the best way to bridge gaps other people are too scared to cross. Relax, we're just poking fun -an actually suicidal person

Humor is a coping mechanism and coping is what you do instead of killing yourself. Without humor I'd already have killed my suicidal ass. For you to talk about how 'ignorant' we are. Newsflash, we're all suicidal and coping. Get over yourself :).

Yo shut we are depressed

we are depressed, we wanna laugh and have as well!

Most of us posting here are suicidal or at least depressed and find this to be a way of coping. So I'd say we're probably more informed about our own mental issues than someone who doesn't have suicidal thoughts.

people like you are the reason why i come on this thread

Well the more suicidal people there are, the less suicidal people there are.

Look at you, you're brainier than Kurt Cobane's ceiling

27 additional comments

Why post this on a website that only have suicide,9/11, and catholic priest jokes

Please to everyone telling this person to kill themselves please know that you saying that is very wrong and not helping the situation AT ALL this person just doesn’t understand the way we have to cope

Mostly because most of us are actually suicidal. My friends and I often tell jokes about suicide as a coping mechanism, and all of us are depressed ourselves. So don't talk about things you're clearly uneducated about.

you’re fun at parties huh

don't you realise this kind of humor is our coping mechanism? we're not uneducated, we can relate to the jokes and we find it funny because talking about how we feel is not anything we do.

lol most of us are pretty experienced in the area

Yeah yeah, why don’t you go to a Christian website and tell them to stop believing in Jesus? Just the fact that you had to ask such a stupid and unnecessary question tells us that you are in fact the uncultured one.

What if a really sad and suicidal person read that post and thought that they were horrible for finding comfort in people who feel the same as them and then went and actually killed themselves?

You insensitive peice of shit.

@Fuck you yeah he's right. go on that web and say it.

It makes light of a problem we have. Coping ya bince.