Don Jokes

Don't let mistakes drag you down. My dad made one mistake but it ended up fulfilling the 5 year plan of heat energy generation in less than a millisecond.

How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Don't be stupid, feminists can't change anything.

Why can't two Asians make a white baby? Because two wongs don't make a white

When his dick is really really small but you pretend it is so big it hurts so you don’t make him feel bad cause he is a nice guy.

The depressed kid walked into the counselor's office. "I'm feeling like killing myself," he said. "Oh no! Don't worry, sweetie, just hang in there!," the counselor responded.

My boss said she would’ve loved to meet bill Cosby as a child. I don’t get why im getting arrested, I was just making sure he dream came true