

Comments (224)

Stop bitching, nobody gives a shit. We know all these people are fucking retards.

No wonder the site is dying.

Congratulations, you have two eyes.

Why are you talking? Exactly.


Congratulations, you have two eyes.

no bc nvm


Why are you talking? Exactly.

stop being a dicl

Bitch about it. Nobody gives a shit you fucking twat.


Bitch about it. Nobody gives a shit you fucking twat.

I'm not tryning to dumbass I was just stating my fucking opinion

You don’t need to try.

I also have two eyes, mouth, and a vocal box Captain Obvious. Are you retarded or can you not recognize sarcasm?

I’m a man.

The fuck that mean?

You’re a woman and you’re retarded, that explains a lot too doesn’t it?

You’re also black, that explains a lot too doesn’t it?

Fucking retards.


You’re also black, that explains a lot too doesn’t it?

And ur gay that explains a lot as well

You have a fucking power puff girl as your profile picture, are you 7?

Φ†Ι›ΘΆΙ¦ - π•Šπ•„π”Ύ

And Trans don't forget that too!



You have a fucking power puff girl as your profile picture, are you 7?

ok and

Trans can eat my shit.

Makes you look like a fucking child.

Especially when you keep posting your face and deleting it, nobody wants to see that.


Makes you look like a fucking child.

says the one who is acting like one


Especially when you keep posting your face and deleting it, nobody wants to see that.

ur dad wanted to

What kind of fourth grade level insult was that you fucking twat?

Shut the fuck up Wade, you degenerate fuck.

There are rules now?

We’ll see

1. Prohibited Content: Pornographic or explicit material is strictly prohibited. Images from movies or games may be exempt depending upon contextual appropriateness.

2. Meme Usage: Excessive meme usage in the community is discouraged. Memes should be shared in the designated section. Repeated violations will result in warnings, with up to three warnings given depending on the severity, followed by a ban.

3. Harassment: Any form of repeated or excessive harassment outside of friendly joking is not tolerated. Warnings and bans will be given accordingly.

4. Racism: Extreme and direct racism is not tolerated. Light-hearted remarks within the context of humor may be tolerated, but deliberate discriminatory language will lead to warnings or potential bans.

5. Spam: Spamming is permissible when nearing the 1000th comment, excluding serious discussions. However, in other situations, individuals will receive up to three warnings for disruptive behavior. Persistent spamming will result in a ban.

6. Identity Policy: Alternative accounts associated with hate speech, falsified information, or impersonation will be promptly addressed. Users will be asked to amend usernames or cease using accounts to comply with guidelines.

7. Hate-Posting: Posts containing hate speech or discriminatory content are strictly prohibited. Moderators will advise against such behavior. Appropriate action, including post deletion, may be taken by the moderation team if needed.

8. Privacy Policy: Any infraction upon a user's privacy will be met with an immediate ban. This includes any and all forms of doxxing (i.e. posting personal photos, sharing private/sensitive information, etc.) as well as forcing another user by any means to share this information.

Φ†Ι›ΘΆΙ¦ - π•Šπ•„π”Ύ



I get the gist of it. Thank you.


I get the gist of it. Thank you.

hey muse!

Thank you.

u should make an account so i can follow u

Possibly but probably not.




I don’t need followers.


Possibly but probably not.

lmao it’s ok



what do you think i’m doing?

Is that a fucking teletubby?

Ξ‘my ツ

she’s legphobic

what's wrong with legs

Comment deleted by Ξ‘my ツ

Muse, I want you to know I sincerely apologize for my actions towards you. What I said and did was not the right thing to do, and made a terrible impression. I hope you can forgive me and we can do a proper introduction to get to know each other more?

Comment deleted by emo
Comment deleted by Ξ‘my ツ
Comment deleted by emo

Hi seth

