

Are there any fictional characters you find attractive? If so, say whom in the comments!

31 %
63 %
I’m not sure
0 %
Ewww noooo
6 %
16 votes · Final results

Comments (128)

Is my girlfriend a fictional character cause she’s the only person I find attractive

I don't find any attractive

Jake ツ

Is my girlfriend a fictional character cause she’s the only person I find attractive


im the only one with balls it vote the truth


ur a monster

no just not lieing

If I said whom I find attractive would I be made fun of? I find it slightly embarrassing haha

The commonly repeated advice for remembering whether to use who or whom is this: If you can replace the word with he or she or another subject pronoun, use who. If you can replace it with him or her (or another object pronoun), use whom. One way to remember this trick is that both him and whom end with the letter m.

The Radio Demon

If I said whom I find attractive would I be made fun of? I find it slightly embarrassing haha

not by me


stop being grammarly

No! How dare you suggest such a preposterous thing!


stop being grammarly

not psychologically posible

The Radio Demon

No! How dare you suggest such a preposterous thing!

it's what it's

deez man

not psychologically posible

The same as your grammar.


it's what it's

Was that to try to get a reaction? I am beyond that :)


y cant u get triggered by bad grammar

I am beyond that sort of thing. Try something else.

Jake ツ

Is my girlfriend a fictional character cause she’s the only person I find attractive


okay buddy


madi’s attractive but have you seen poison ivy

or zatanna

or starfife


or lara croft

I am busy right now, sorry

Besides, I have covid, I should be resting...


Besides, I have covid, I should be resting...


go to a nursing home and cough on all the old people

I’ll disappear for a little bit but Il lretuen

If you were to die, where would you rather spend eternity? Hell or Heaven? Devils/demons or angels/gods whatever’s there?

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