

Comments (53)

That’s…an amazing question

it’s not really a question bc there is no question mark

Wow shy dragon wants to fight today

Comment deleted

i am not using my mum’s iPad and i cannot nap at the moment. sorry :)

Well then maybe it’s time to euthanize this confused ass dragon furry

Yeah ok but you’re “the/them” and not confused

Like what are you? A fucking swarm of flies? How can you be they them and be a person? Like fucking grammar

idk bruh but i do not like it

WC siarra

Like what are you? A fucking swarm of flies? How can you be they them and be a person? Like fucking grammar

do you want to know some sources? it seems not

I want to know how the fuck you can identify as a they/them while being one singular person?

Girl your first definition that you showed me is TWO OR MORE PEOPLE? And at this point you should probably identify as dumbass.

WC siarra

Girl your first definition that you showed me is TWO OR MORE PEOPLE? And at this point you should probably identify as dumbass.



hi shyfagon

hello vertigo. your name is sickening. literally.

The Radio Demon

ha sierra gave up

Bold of you to assume I’ve given up. I am currently in school and I have more important things to do the

then argue with some seven year old

And it’s Siarra not Sierra

your name is slightly misspelt from a normal word so it’s easy to read the actual spelling


The Radio Demon

your name is slightly misspelt from a normal word so it’s easy to read the actual spelling


Chunke Monke 🍌[🙈🙉🙊🐒] 🍌

hell nah bruv

do u even know me?