

dear matthais sorry if i spelled your name wrong but worst jokes ever has gone to hell , i want to talk to you about me making a community guidlines form where if followed will result in a perfect worst jokes ever , i have valid reasons on why we should do this. 1. to know who to ban and who not to ban 2. to see who violated guidlines 3. to see if someone is abusing mod. I would create a community guidline but i need your help to code it into worst jokes ever as when you join you go through the community guidlines - sincerly - im with stupid

Comments (219)

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Comment deleted by Matt

Of course I read it

I'll make some community guidelines and also guidelines for moderators. If you want to help me with what should be included, I would appreciate it

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β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Make a spreadsheet ? Stuff like this?

Text only


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No, just the points you want to have included. What's important to you

But you call people pedos all the time. Should you be banned?

Comment deleted by leooo
Comment deleted by leooo
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but he will definitely come back later.

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Comment deleted by β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm not gone. I keep this post bookmarked if you have any comments on the guidelines

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I'll read them all

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(Matt, a quick question, was Gamer actually banned permanently or for a few weeks?)

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(Matt, a quick question, was Gamer actually banned permanently or for a few weeks?)


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*You're*. I don't intend to make people hate me. You guys are just doing it voluntarily! Like I said before, my time is not wasted. I take notes and screenshots of our conversations and put them in my thesis. Easy peasy.


*You're*. I don't intend to make people hate me. You guys are just doing it voluntarily! Like I said before, my time is not wasted. I take notes and screenshots of our conversations and put them in my thesis. Easy peasy.

This is unnecessary and you are wasting your time. If this site isn't a big deal, why are you taking notes?

Because you guys are idiots. You hate LGBTQ people, you make fun of jews, you love Hitler. You're all against each other.


This is unnecessary and you are wasting your time. If this site isn't a big deal, why are you taking notes?

Come on dude. Keep up. This is homework for me. I had a professor pick out this site. It's my grade.


Because you guys are idiots. You hate LGBTQ people, you make fun of jews, you love Hitler. You're all against each other.

No. That's not true. LGBTQ people are just annoying. I don't make fun of jewish and I don't love Hitler. WTF.


Come on dude. Keep up. This is homework for me. I had a professor pick out this site. It's my grade.

and we should believe you this?

Haha. You just confirmed what I said. You think LGBTQ people are annoying. Well, people find you annoying so who cares what they think? Who cares what you think?

I really don't give a rat's behind what you think, buddy. This is not the only site that I was assigned to. This is just the one that has the least amount of traction, so it's easier for me to go through.


Haha. You just confirmed what I said. You think LGBTQ people are annoying. Well, people find you annoying so who cares what they think? Who cares what you think?

If people find me annoying, then I can't do anything about that. I can't change that and I don't care.


I really don't give a rat's behind what you think, buddy. This is not the only site that I was assigned to. This is just the one that has the least amount of traction, so it's easier for me to go through.

Good luck.

A few people on here are normal. The rest of you? Holy sh*t, there's something seriously wrong with you. I mean, the things I have recorded and shot, wow. I look back on them sometimes and it scares me. Your poor generation.


A few people on here are normal. The rest of you? Holy sh*t, there's something seriously wrong with you. I mean, the things I have recorded and shot, wow. I look back on them sometimes and it scares me. Your poor generation.


I have no questions, stupid. I'm sorry, "I'm with stupid." No questions at all, trust me. I see everything you and your lovely friends say. I have half of it written down, it's all good. I dpn

I think you're one of the worst ones.


I think you're one of the worst ones.


This is been super informative, guys. I appreciate all the help. You are awesome. I have to get up soon, so good night.


This is been super informative, guys. I appreciate all the help. You are awesome. I have to get up soon, so good night.

Good night and sleep well.

Really? How could you ask that?

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Ehh since I first joined there's been a difference I think or ppls say

Connrad is in 19 days for a month here, right?

Well I've only been here for a little bit so I can't say anything about that.

He only says what he has seen so far. If Ethan is already one of the worst, does that mean the old one would be the worst?


Well I've only been here for a little bit so I can't say anything about that.

How long will you be here?

I only go by what I see. Most of you are homophobic, against jews, Indians, Mexicans. Whatever isn't you American version, you're anti. And you guys tell people to go kill themselves. That's the most messed up thing I've ever read.


I only go by what I see. Most of you are homophobic, against jews, Indians, Mexicans. Whatever isn't you American version, you're anti. And you guys tell people to go kill themselves. That's the most messed up thing I've ever read.

I haven't done anything like that before, I guess, right?

Wow, and you spew all that hatred?

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm mexican

Okay, I didn't knew that

It doesn't matter what I think. I am nobody. I'm white, non American. I speak French, English and ASL.

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm geman also!

Oh, okay, I didn't knew that too. I'm not german.


It doesn't matter what I think. I am nobody. I'm white, non American. I speak French, English and ASL.


Come on, you guys. None of us are American and you're all making fun of others? That's messed up.


Come on, you guys. None of us are American and you're all making fun of others? That's messed up.

I'm not making fun of others.

Ha. Toast. Amy. Wade. Sponka or something. Super mean.

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm sorry this js funny

And you are one of the worst, that's funny too, right?

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Yes , I'm not the worst worst

Yeah, you are just worst

I didn't mean it that way, but according to Connrad that's how it is

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Honestly I feel more mature now , idk why but yeah

perhaps cause you have improved

I'm with stupid. Are you one of them?

The ones I just named

Ethan doesn't have an alt, right?Did you mean that Connrad?

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Uh oh,...

what is?

Listen, I know this is a joke website, but it isn't a hate website. If you use slurs in any way, you are one of those a holes. It doesn't' matter to me, I'm nobody. You're just another statistic.

Like I said, I'm new here. I don't know who Ethan or Stupid is. I know that Amy, Toast, Madi, Sponka or whoever, are not good people.

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm ethan

I was gonna say that


Like I said, I'm new here. I don't know who Ethan or Stupid is. I know that Amy, Toast, Madi, Sponka or whoever, are not good people.

People can pretend online different than they are irl

So which one are you, Ethan? Toast? Wade? People can definitely pretend than IRL, it's called catfishing. It's not right.

Obviously, buddy. I got that. But I only mentioned a few and you laughed. Are you one of the few I mentioned? The worst ones?

Which one are you, Ethan?

Oh, yeah? Madi is stayathome?

Donut...the one who is spewing all that hate?

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Stay-at-home, idk her name

Just call me Sah


Oh, yeah? Madi is stayathome?

Ethan, I meant this

Connrad, how could you think, that I'm Donut

According to Connrad, I'm also worst because you thought I'm Donut and she's according to you worst too

I did not mention donut.

Which one are you guys? Amy? Wade? Toast? Spunk something stupid?


I did not mention donut.

Donut is Madi.

I'm asking about the others.


Which one are you guys? Amy? Wade? Toast? Spunk something stupid?

Bro, I'm only Sah. I don't have an alt or alts. That's my only accountm

All right peeps, I have to go to bed. I have the next website to cover tomorrow and I need sleep!

You guys are about to delete everything we just talked about?

Wow, you guys are actually worst than I thought

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Mb wasn't think8n am tired

That's alright


Wow, you guys are actually worst than I thought

We aren't

Mistakes happen and Ethan will restore the comments he deleted

Delete it all, I've got all the screenshots I need. You guys are really just freaking horrible people. Wow.


Delete it all, I've got all the screenshots I need. You guys are really just freaking horrible people. Wow.

you're exaggerating

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑


Ethan, chill.

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

I'm tired bro I ain't thinking right I thought tht it idk but I'm sorry

you're exaggerating too

Why are you making such a big deal about it?

you will just restore all comments again and everything will be fine, dw

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Cuz I wanna be on connards good side


β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

Moderation guidlines

Great so we can’t ban fags..

Explain pls, cus Dagger and I have been doing that

I, for one, am FULLY BEHIND the proposed guidelines by Ethan, these are FANTASTIC and definitely needed

I support everything besides being able to ban the fag cockroaches from Bp and elsewhere

Wade, dude, you're so annoying. It's like you're trying so focking hard to be cool, except you're not. Stop using that nasty word. Really, I'm with stupid? You want to be people who have their own beliefs? Are you threatened?

Jake ツ

I, for one, am FULLY BEHIND the proposed guidelines by Ethan, these are FANTASTIC and definitely needed

Glazing hardcore


Wade, dude, you're so annoying. It's like you're trying so focking hard to be cool, except you're not. Stop using that nasty word. Really, I'm with stupid? You want to be people who have their own beliefs? Are you threatened?

You sound very pressed. Care to cry about it?

Toast ツ

You sound very pressed. Care to cry about it?



Wade, dude, you're so annoying. It's like you're trying so focking hard to be cool, except you're not. Stop using that nasty word. Really, I'm with stupid? You want to be people who have their own beliefs? Are you threatened?

Dang I bet you’re one of the genderless unsolved Rubix cubes too huh?