

I'm making this post so people can write down sayings and quotes they have heard that helped them in times of need, maybe these short words can help others as well.

Comments (11)

" Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm."

"A true friend would call you out for being the bad guy, not stand there while you turn into something you hate."

“your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries”

"Don't wait for others to talk first, no matter whether you barely know them, or you might as well be family. If someone is visibly distressed at the very least express sympathy even for those who are undeserving." Yes there are limits to this.

Amy im trying to be serious with this because of an issue that happened.

"it's better to cum in the sink, then to sink in the cum"

someone I know just went though some serious shit and I know they on here. Thats all Im willing to tell.

and? you're on a joke site

I know, they on the site and are unable to actually be in contact with anyone so this is an attempt. Just go ahead and put dumb shit, at least try to make it funny though.

sorry for being so serious about things