

Comments (21)

i know you have mental issues but still

Swearing doesn't mean you have mental issues.

so that means you have the ability to stop swearig!


so that means you have the ability to stop swearig!

we can but we dont need to stop swearing just for u,who tf r u anyways

ew its not for me its for yourself

why would i reveal myself

its okay to vent your feelings here. i know you're too broke to afford a therapist. Im here to help some homeless beggars guys!


its okay to vent your feelings here. i know you're too broke to afford a therapist. Im here to help some homeless beggars guys!

Holy shot you’re hilarious 🤣


its okay to vent your feelings here. i know you're too broke to afford a therapist. Im here to help some homeless beggars guys!

shit lmao not me actually having a therapist 😭


i know you have mental issues but still

The only mental person here is you

GG Miller

The only mental person here is you

remember when db roasted the heck out of you? so funny