

Comments (80)

yeah that's just called being a whore

tell your friend she dodged a bullet

that a stupid ass way to break up with someone

and then left him for another dude

and then left that dude for someone else

don't take your anger out on fletcher lmao

oh hey while we're all here and winnie apparently isnt

are you all thinking what im thinking

Comment deleted by Jake ツ

I went back and looked at her message history and the writing style is exactly like she who shall not be named

Murder? Who? Where? How? When?

yes, her friend, at school, probably a knife, now

just kidding kids i don't condone murder

soundproof walls for an extra $150?

I wasn't with that shit from the start

Jake ツ

soundproof walls for an extra $150?


your total comes to $500,000 we take cash card venmo and sex

Jake ツ

your total comes to $500,000 we take cash card venmo and sex

I’ll do both