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I bet if I introduced you to grand or will from wrestling they would agree

Imagine naming your daughter charles

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Because you shouldn’t hate yourself

I have a grandparent named charles

Real lonely you can shut your ass up

You took fake lonely

Bitch get rejected

Everyone hates lune

What don’t you like about the way you look?

so like, you want to be really skinny or something?

That’s my name so i assumed you meant me

Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as me. You are a disgusting human being and I wish nothing but the worst for you. You are an imbecile of the highest order, a blithering idiot who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. You’re the type of person who would trip over their own feet and fall flat on their face, and you’re so dense that you’d probably forget your own name if it wasn’t written on your forehead in big, bold letters. You are an embarrassment to yourself and everyone around you, and the only thing you’re good for is providing comic relief. You are a backstabbing, two-faced, hypocritical, dishonest, disloyal, deceitful, sneaky, underhanded, slimy little weasel. You are not to be trusted, and you’re nothing but a worthless piece of garbage. You are a pathetic coward who is too afraid to stand up for yourself, and you’re always looking for a way to weasel your way out of everything. You are a pathetic, worthless little coward who cowers at the first sign of adversity and runs away from any challenge. You are a spineless, gutless wonder who is so scared of life that you might as well be dead. You are a worthless piece of garbage who is not worth the air that you breathe.

Your going to play a board game during spring break?

I just think your a really good person and you should be proud of it

Your caring, your friendly, your cute, how much better can a personality be?

What made you change your mind? If you don't want to answer thats fine

The English got a little messed up through google translate

β€œ no one doses god i see where i'm standing to "multitask" β€œ

Oh well I I’m being dumb again then

I hope you know that I do love you.

I’ll always love you πŸ™‚

What’s that’s dogs name?

I’ll stop looking at memes lol

That’s how I was multitasking btw

So what do you want to talk about honey?

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How can nobody talk that way if I just did?

Who even asked you to say anything?

Couldn’t you see I was chatting with my girlfriend?

That’s just how my auto correct

I spelt your wrong one time now it always auto correct to YUIR

Because my smart device isn’t smart

I just saw this meme now I can’t stop thinking about my girlfriend dressed like the girl

I still have you dressed like that in my mind…

What’s wrong with being horny?

I think it’s funny how random literally changed his name and the new version was inspired by me


why did you send the horny picture

K I’m 100% gonna masterbate to that later

Random stop spamming I’m already horny

its just better

How do I prove if somebody is hot?

Id say some things about your body that proves you look good but I feel like your gonna call me weird

You want me to say some nice things about your body?

K but you can’t call me weird

1. You have pretty hair, you already knew that

2. You have beautiful eyes, you already knew that also

3. You have a cute face with freckled that match your face and eyes and make you look more cute.

3. Nice ass. This is the part where you call me weird.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Afk while you tell me how to help brb

Physically, mentally, or at the board game?

Hey, can you try to stop vaping please?

Because it’s not good for you, it can get really bad for you mental and physical health

Also, I’m kinda concerned about

1. I care about the vape because you’re my friend and I don’t want it to affect your health. 2. I’m concenered about your grades because I don’t want you to get held back

Yeah, try to get some of your missing assignments done that will lift your grades back up a bit

If you need help with something you don’t understand then you could probably ask me or colton

And also try to make sure you do good in school

If you do bad life might be a lot harder

Trust me, nobody wants to do school work, but you still need to do your best

Everybody gets tired at some point, you just need to keep pushing

You mean starting school or this school year?

The smashing pumpkins are a good rock band

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

Most of their songs are happy thought

What about this one




That vape must be effecting your brain how did you let a special kid beat you

Lonely you look hot wanna fuck? Im 19 if thats ok

Bruh she’s already dating somebody

It’s because he’s black isn’t it lol

What about this one

Please i wanna fuck you both im Bi

Ill make you a jelly donut

What pedo i from russia

I gonna fuck u all

Lonely send nudes now

i do anything

i do anything for ur nudes

Fuck i thought that was a nude

Lonely pls send nudes i do what ever im on my knees for u

Please lonely ill do anything

Please i wanna fuck u lonely

Im getting hard looking at your pics

send me nudes lonely im almost at the cumming point

Or just send me a pic of u

I send dick pic for nudes

No i want u

fuckin sexy

omg my dick

fuck im cummed on my face lol

i gonna jerk off again

Lonely send a pic of you now


i gonna sext you

You can’t text a school Chromebook lol

pls let me fuck you lovely perv and lonely lune

How you gonna get here all the way from Russia?

i begging you both

I gonna get tickets and find your house and flip your butthole upside down

My mom is weird and doesn’t like charlie

It’s a waste of time making one

lovely perv nudes please?

send dick pic

im friends with someone from russia and heres the thing they dont support gays and didt even know what that ment when i told my friend im pan and then said thats gross/weird until i explain so

what did i do

My mom looks at all my gmails and deletes anything that’s not from a teacher so if you sent anything inappropriate in any way my mom will kill me

my name not pedo

Im gonna fuck u lovely perv

I rub your dick on your tiny dick

mia tell lovely perv to send nudes and tell lonely to send nudes

hayden how old r u

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Greg go to if you want nudes

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Greg if you leave I’ll send you a picture of her

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This short man will bomb your house

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Hey guys jj here


What does peda mean?

I had to pretend to go to bed so my dad thinks I’m sleeping

Wtf hell no why would you ask that



Wait wtf is it greg

What the actual fuc-

Did you eat that chocolate raccoon?

In our loving memory, rest in pieces, Chocolate Raccoon. 2023-2023.

My pleasure to help to people.

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Well, I never knew that. It feels great to help people.


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Alright im done im leaving

I hope she listened to the advice I gave her.

She has nothing to lose, so might as well try it.

Im atheist but I prayed about a week ago so that’s pretty controversial indeed

It’s the only thing I could do

and I guess in a way it did work 🧐

See? God listens to your prayers.

Todays march third right? I was scared all day, remeber why?

thats the only reason I wasn’t crying

Are there two different Lovely Pervs on here? Because I remember a guy with that name about 2 years ago.

Because I knew you wouldn’t want the last thing you said to me be a lie

How long have you been here?

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You guys seem like you're made for each other. Just my opinion.

You're both thoughtful, kind, and empathetic.