

Comments (447)

Comment deleted

Wait if you needa get it fixed how tf are you talking?

it was gonna be baze but i accidentally put x and liked it

someone's pissed

aight you can get your vacay

Random wanna be freinds?

also fyi im weird

lol i can be sometimes to

so hows your day

this girls cute⬆

Comment deleted by Iambob

i wasn't planning to do anything

dang she is cute

your lucky

Comment deleted by Iambob

nah i wanna know what you mean

hold on its bouta be passing period

ill tell you later

ill stay in this chat

also i am really lucky

im aight u?

thats good

<3 my fav people/animal

Hes a pitbull mix mastiff

thats nice

kayla i'm srry for what i said i thought u had said my fav person on here not least fave i'm really srry

wait what happend?

girls is this true

jasmin dont cry

no your not

i am always doing something to fuck up sombodys day like i did with kay

if you care enough to be crying about it then your really not

good friends care and obviously you do

just give her some time

trust me i know how it feels i acadently hurt someone thats on this website

and i regret it but im happy i found them i just cant tell them its me..

Comment deleted by Kaylaツ

Oh yeah Blaxe I say rawr all the time

Jasmin im pretty sure your friends with the person i hurt..

i don't know if id want to say just yet

i bet both of you two have these

or at least one of those

I get replies quickly and I have strict parents

i have strict parents fast replies and an ugly laugh

People say I look like her

see you both are then

yall know anyone else with any of those things?

you should @ them

Comment deleted by ✨Jassy✨

ok and i was talking about girls because it said girls on it lol

its fine and yea i agree with that video

how old are you guys

if you want to say and yea

Comment deleted by ✨Jassy✨

am i to old to be here lol

I told you that already

I'm 13 but I turn 14 in about 2 weeks :D

do you guys recommend anyone to be friends with i dont have that much

Yes I am your friend @Blaxe

-... .-. --- / - .... .. ... / ... .. - . / .. ... / -.- .. .-.. .-.. .. -. --. / -- . . . --..-- / -. --- / ..-. .-. / - .... --- / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... .. ... / ... .. - . / .. ... / - --- -..- .. -.-.

Also Jasmin what u wanted to ask me

but your my only one so i was asking if anyone knew other people i can be friends with

there is this super cute guy omfg

i know u don't wanna be my friend anymore but can we atleast be cool

Comment deleted by Kaylaツ
Comment deleted by Kaylaツ
Comment deleted by Kaylaツ

he has like rusty ish hair, and freckles but like a baby face and hes like 5'9 and hes sooo cute, but like i heard he sexually harassed a girl, but idk his name, BUT HE WAS CHECKING ME OUT

that was rude.

jassy what happened

can someone tell me what happened i want to help

why u change ur name so much

talk to me on the other iste

u cant really help its over with anyways the friendship is over

i have nothing to say to that..

Comment deleted by Kaylaツ
Comment deleted by ✨Jassy✨

why are you posting sad things'

sadly thats true

smash or pass my pfp

let me guess ur gonna stop talking to me like bailey

your one of my besties.

same thing with kay

idc if yall are having a falling out, but ima talk to both of yall.

but if yall dont mend yalls relationship over a comment of the facts, joke or not, ima pull up and smack yo asses.

its getting petty,

over a singular comment.

ok but kay just unfollowed me so she's not my friend anymore and i'm the one to blame so id think u should talk to me anymore before i hurt u by accident to

I'm petty yeah yeah im petty p-e-t-t-y

i cant take myself seriously with this pfp

um i think i'ma just stay quiet before i hurt anybody else

i did something fucked up per usual so i'm go kms bye

lonely just fucking leave

yea you have

this is none of your business.

ima just go

i get you know her IRL

but this is between us


you really like losing friends, dont you bailey?

no its ok its my fault and i really don't mind its fine...

no its my fault for even being on the website

everywhere i go i end up hurting someone

i fuck up everything friendships the most though

bailey i know u hate me but i hope that one day u can forgive me...

bailey the pic didnt load fr me

yeah jas. your as real as a person can get

your my only friend on here cmon

im talking about jassy

me and kay arent friends BC i was defending jassy.

so dont come at me

should i do a face rev

no its not its always my fault its always gonna be my fault

Comment deleted by KaylA AlT AcCoUnT_PERIODT
Comment deleted by KaylA AlT AcCoUnT_PERIODT

its not your fault. your a wonderful person. and just ignore kay. like i am

shes not my friend, and i ignore skanks.

now i have to go.

tell me how it went in the morning lonely.

please talk some sense into jassy

also i posted my face rev

byeeee jassy <33333

i should have done tht when i had the gun in my hand yeastderday

one bad day? i have had so many bad days and i have to fight through them without breaking down and i really should have done it yeasterday so i

I loose all my friends they either use me or abuse me you don't know how it feels to go to school everyday hoping someone would like you or going to school to make the teacher like you everybody at my school hates me and i mean everybody

u just lost another and I'm done fighting for u to take me back so if u don't want to be friends then i'm done

i'm srry bailey for everything i hope u find peace with ur new friends

yeah i'm not and i hope u keep thinking bc i'm and u just keep thinking i'm not and hope u have a good life

bro everyone needs sombody like u in their lives

bc from what i have seen is that we had a good friendship and that little slip up of mine sent it over the rails

my only friends are gracey, hailey, violet

You'll never understand my pain

Or never understand how much words can hurt someone who has a soft heart and who gets hurt easily.

your not sorry good 4 u


Whats happening here

wtf is hapeening here

bc it seems like i hurt u and everyone i touch or i am around so oh theres gracey ur new bestie

Make up kiss and hug then be friends again

Comment deleted by Grace

For one you don't know what Bailey been through

i have tried but she don't want me in her life so whatever

Bailey been through some shit that a child shouldn't go through

yeah i don't i never know shit abt life or i hve never gone through trama she's the only who has ever gone through it

ok yeah go defend like everyone else just tell her i'm srry and goodbye

Look you prob been through some trama but its prob not as bad as hers

why u leavinf

Aplogize to her

Go to coumminty nd write an aplogy letter

don't u think thats what i have been doing


The girls been hurt my plenty of people


i hurt everyone and i just need to except that she don't need me anymore

she does need yiy

she'll come back to you watch

Also you and lonely lune been hanging out a lot and when she says something you ingore until 5 minutes later

and i'm not saying to make her feel better she really needs better then me i'm a fucked friend and i'm just dragging her down

u just need to be a better friend then i will ever be

just aplogize to her

i have been this whole page is basically apologiseing to her

i'll try ur letter idea give me a few mins