

Comments (27)

i think he deleted the post


HACKERS FROM AROUND the world will converge on MIT on Friday to swap intelligence and marshal their collective brainpower for the fight against a seemingly indomitable opponent.

This time it's not Microsoft, DirecTV or the Recording Industry Association of America. It's spam.

A recent Harris Interactive poll found that 80 percent of Internet users found spam "very annoying" and 74 percent favored making mass spamming illegal.

For the beleaguered masses of the spammed, these hackers could be heroes.

It may be some time before any antispam laws make it into the books, but experts say that antispam technologies, particularly e-mail content filters, have the potential to tear down spammers' cottage industry.



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WIRED STAFFBUSINESSJAN 15, 2003 2:00 AM Spam Confab: Hackers to Rescue? They built the Internet, they invented e-mail -- and now it may be up to them to save both from crumbling under the weight of spam. Hackers head to MIT on Friday for the first conference on junk e-mail filtering. By Justin Jaffe.

HACKERS FROM AROUND the world will converge on MIT on Friday to swap intelligence and marshal their collective brainpower for the fight against a seemingly indomitable opponent.


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