

wait@ truephantom0, can you explain the whole situation as clearly as possible?

Comments (31)

There will be no clear situation if they all come here and spam their opinions.

i just need @true rn

nice to hear from ya, and yeah ;-;

its pissing me off real hard, and i really dont need this right now, with everything going on.

Oh yah so I asked her what her and sun dude was talking about I asked her so nicely we all in a good me she said why tf do you you care and sum other stuff than a few things happen she out of no wear get a text were done than call me toxic when I'm around ppl 2/47 that can say different and text if anything she is

w o n d e r f u l.

do you have any idea, why she is pissed, and/or what you did wrong?

Nah I didn't do anything besides ask her nicely

Now she's tryna get matt to ban me for no reason

And she still won't tell me even tho I'm still asking nicely and that basically how all this started

You got them involved way before I did emo remember

Then go somehwere else and have your little squabble dont come on here

:hello: im not going against you by the way, you dont need to be banned, i still want to be your friend

can one of yall zoom, and explain verbally, its really difficult to read right now.

Now if I did that cus you wanna say stuff when I was still tryna be nice please join, either :hello: or TruePhantom0