

Comments (21)

mhm sure you did the fact you prented to be me after I told you I made some online friends and the fact we were best friends and all you did was use and abuse me like what happened to the old you you didn't change all you want is dagger to yourself because you have a huge crush on him and yeah also he did prented because all of that is fake what he did and i;m happy to because you don't deserve to be happy if you make me miserable and i'm sorry for your loss but what me huh i told you everything then you post it on snapchat and everybody just blocks me like how could you i lost all of my friends so now I make online friends and now you take them away from you I have a lot more to say but ima stop here so I hope you rot in H*** bye liz nobody wants you on here so you can leave because this sight was peaceful until you came on

im really sorry about your mom passing but mine did to and you use that aganist me when i didn't want nobody to know you black mailed me all the time i'm so sorry okay pls just go nobody wants you here i said it nicley

wdym Lizzy is my bestfriend

well use to be i have a picture of me and her a year ago

Comment deleted by Kayla😎

because I didn't do nothing can you plz stop accusing me

if you even are a bitch and not a man hoe in your moms basement

Dude your grammer, its so bad

I bet u simping boid