

Hi Jake, just so you know, Cacey was trolling you. She isn't "In love" with you, and she isn't moving. Sorry Jake 💔😶

Comments (11)

Haha it’s totally fine, internet pranks, especially those that are kept up for long periods of time, are awesome. I was about to say I have a good sense of humor so I didn’t mind it, but I just realized that I’m writing this on a dark & adult jokes website, so I guess technically I don’t 😂

She's pissed of with us now, but uh, her fault I guess. She kinda went too far.

it was a harmless joke so pls stop! and i'm not pissed

Fuck u bitch just tell me

Nothing you need to be concerned about m. And don’t talk to her that way, retard.

Lmao sleepy me couldn’t type