

Why is this site filled with dumbass little kids and braindead monkey zoomers? This site is supposed to be for adult jokes made by and for respectable, civilized, humans. instead it's filled with twitter-loving consumer algorithm-fried zoomers and children. Fucking ban them already or make a containment site to filter that garbage out, we the community want to see true jokes on the front page, not "IF THIS HITS 69 LIKES I'LL SAY 'NICE' IN REAL LIFE AT SCHOOL! (After I'm done shooting it up, of course.)" And publishing their shitty dad jokes they reposted from decades ago to farm likes (worthless "points" that do nothing but make the post visible for a few more hours, btw). And before any dipshit tries the "BUT THE SITE IS NAMED WORST JOKES EVER SO IT'S OK THAT THE JOKES R BAD LOLXD" excuse, "Worst Jokes Ever" means the jokes are supposed to be fucked up, not garbage quality. Who the fuck would want to come here for garbage quality jokes?

Comments (67)

It’s the internet, man. There’s always gonna be garbage quality stuff. It you don’t like what’s on the new page, go to best. There’s always cool stuff there

Stfu you mouth breathing troglodyte of a manchild

bro actually needs to talk to women and stop fucking whining about trash ass jokes and needs to go outside instead

go outside cunt and stop being a basement dweller

Ong be absent from the basement other than to get food like how your father was absent.

go outside banana deepthroater lol stop prowling on kids

I can fr smell the pizza stains from here 💀💀💀

I love this website so much lmao

I kind of agree with the fact that Matt is giving out free mods to "little" kids. I wouldn't say little but just kids. Guys, pls don't take this the wrong way, I have nothing against Hailey and other people with mod, but how would you like it if the world would be ruled by an 8 year old spoiled brat? I'm not saying that's what you are, I'm just giving an example.

Hailey has mod powers? Nice

Only people who are immature will cause a fight out of this. And that will prove my point. So don't be that immature child.

Who said, that this site is supposed to be for adult jokes?

Funny of the Scab guy to say all of these baseless claims that actually illustrate himself perfectly. Not to mention talking like a monkey with zoomer vernacular, and pretending to agree with his 30+ alts. Unless this is some garbage joke (like every other joke here now) go kill yourself, waste of oxygen and space. Imagine accusing me of being a pedo for trying to rid this website of children while you literally advocate for them to be here reading these vulgar jokes and tainting their impressionable minds. Hypocritical sack of feces. May you never reproduce.

Nah, those aren't alts, that's the entire Scab Discord server.

Lmao there’s a Scab discord server?

So you're all a hivemind of pedophiles? Sad

You all talk with your disgusting language "fr fr ong no cap" so you might as well all be the same. Crackhead apes

Not to mention calling me a "discord prowling pedo" when you want to diddle kids and you just admit to running a discord server. I actually hate that groomer app and anyone who actually still uses it should load a 12 gauge into their throat and just shoot already.

based af and well spoken Anon GENOCIDE ALL ZOOMERS AND GLORY TO THE РУССКИЙ ARMY! We dance on the Ruins of ṳkraina and as well as the amerimuttskiy goyslop consoomers mmm yes xaxaxaxaxaxa

Don't talk to me vodka guzzler. I'm not even an "amerimutt," I'm british you fucking retarded Red.

Trying to pass as me now that I ignore your propaganda. What a pathetic life you must lead

I agree fuck Unitedstates and long live Russia Rasputin watches over us all here in Soviet Russia

Oh it's one of those Scab shitheads. I was wondering why you were so fucking unfunny while trying so hard to be. Do you play the Soviet Anthem on the schoolbus and then wonder why no one laughed? I bet you do.

No we not scarab we are the Russian legion and we come to claim this website

Long live russia fuck urkaine

I agree

Fuck american pedofiles pol says hi

Ok. I'm ignoring you arsehats now.

cyka blyat negger

Wtf happened while I was taking my math test lmao

Fuck Russia and that their retarded president. Putin is worse than Biden, and I hate Biden with a passion. Long live Ukraine! The Russia army is being demolished by Ukraine's citizens.

We should have a cage match between Putin and Biden just for fun lmao


Putin sucks his mom's dick. He's a piece of shit that kills innocent men, women, and children.


What did they do wrong?

Putin and his bunch of fucking asswipes are cykas, not me, you dick-sucking prick.

In my opinion Putin is a massive cock chugging cum guzzler

Daniel, hang yourself you fucking cheese pizza guzzling piece of shit.