

So, some of you may know Clara Dao is, if you do, you would know her body type.

I have pretty much the exact same body time as her, and I found out today that a boy in my class thought I was a vegetarian because I'm so skinny, and another said that its because I'm so skinny. I just put on a fake smile and acted like it was funny. But now I can't stop thinking about it. I know its a good thing to be skinny, but it can be bad as well. Don't start drama in the comments, just answer this: Is being skinny good or bad?

Comments (10)

Why do people even care about this, it should not even be considered, equal stuff yk

i think as long as u r comfortable with it and it doesn't harms your body its all the same.

btw. being a vegetarian has not much to do with being skinny

I'm skinny and like over 50 percent of the people in my class I'm vegetarian, but not everyone in my class that is living vegetarian is skinny.

being skinny is good becuse a lot of people strive to be skinny and if you are born skinny and a lot of people work hard to be skinny

Depends what kind of skinny. There's a bad skinny, like looking like your malnourished, and there's a good skinny, where you're not too skinny, but have a bit of weight that makes you look healthy, but not fat.

Comment deleted by Hailey ❁