

Comments (15)

Hey edp how are u my guy💪

What's up my ni gguh, uh, I've been good, you know, just trying to get my website up but these troll-ass, hoe ass, no life, no pussy getting mothafuckas keep taking it fucking down, you fe-el me?

I do, is there a way u can do it without them knowing

Do you honestly think that I would Sit back, and throw away MY LIFE, for a bitch that probably never even heard of the motherfuckin Pythagorean Theorem? You smell me?

nah niguh, these hoe ass mothafuckas got my name, my address, my fucking job...

Am I a pedophile? Fuck no. Bleaugh. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about that shit.

I know, they have zero evidence against u. Aren't they the peados for knowing nearly every detail about u?

i dont like that word and dont say no one asked what u liked

“you smell me” I don’t think anybody wants to smell you, edpedo

He reeks of grease and fermented feces.