

Comments (40)

Teehee you think I'll really let your microscopic pp in my pussy? Fuck off pedo <3

Ah typical chimp EDP raging😌

Shoot yourself incel 😘

Ima come to yo house and fuck the shit out of you

You fucking racist bastard!

I'm armed and ready 🥱... anyway good luck getting your fatass through my window in the first place

Bros be nice!

I can imagine EDP crying behind the screen with his ugly ass face and that gives me joy

edp you're a heart attack waiting to happen

Bro please shush

You'd die walking to my house fatso!

Now get off my page, pedophile!

Please tone it down

I don't regret chasing after that underage girl

Uh-huh. Now get off my page sweety

Unfunny troll

How about y'all chill.

Anybody seen the stigg

I want him to rail me

Look how this post gets 32 comments because of thirsty EDP and the others dont... men I swear...

Though EDP is less than a man... less than human even.

Shush no one here should have a problem

And u can't say that

Just because I'm not a man doesn't mean I can't say EDP isn't one smh

Lamo royal through that entire exchange