

Comments (36)

Username: Dumbledore's army Password: the killing curse (not literally, if you're a fan you'll know the actual spell)

Yes.wait is this actually royals acount? but diff one? what im asking is if your royal lmao

Yes read your last post. I commented details 👑

U should change the password so that no-one can get on it but put it in code or summink so we don't get the account mugged.

ok and it wont let me log back in to my accountttt

oh god i cant back in to my accountt

ok i was able to log back in. ima try to get in the other account

nah it wont let me. its fine tho

let me know when u do that

There we go👑

friend group made and password and acount and name. all we need is people

Change the password tho👍👑

hopefully shaylie. who else do u want to join?

Yes we must find followers, I'll get into some joke categories and promote our group 👑

Bluey and lostinflowers if we can?

Who was you thinking?

no one especialy except for shaylie lol what anout anonymous???

no because there are so many we dont know whos who -_-

Yes we just need to get them here.

I see Ur point wiv anonymous lol

Wouldn't it be cool that in dog treat boxes there'd be a dog toy at the bottom like there are in children's cereal boxes.

Yes. that would be amazing but my dog would end up eating it along with the box

its true! he once devoured a tennis ball. his poop was green.