
Bye-Bye Jokes

How to Make an Orphan cry Step 1 Talk about Home Step 2 Ask them where there parents are Step 3 Say Bye Bye and push them in the batmobile

Trump can get banned. The cops can tack him to jail, and Trump go go go go bye bye for good. Trump is meing.

me:hi Jaiden bully/Jaiden harper:leave me alone weirdo me:wow says the one who didn't pass 3RD grade bully/Jaiden harper:"*hits*" me:*calls fbi and puts on gloves and stabs random person then gives knife to Jaiden and takes off gloves*"bye bye" fbi:"FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!"

You I didn’t see you there the pizza place is hunted bad so you are scared 😱😱😱😱 and so you run and you see your grandma and you were happy again forever and ever ha ha so funny 😁 The end or is it bye-bye