Ares Jokes

You see a kid on the side of the street crying, so you go up to them and say "where are your parents?" the kid says "What are parents?

man asks a women: Are you a school? women: No why? man: Oh i wanted to shoot my kid inside of you.


Dad: Son, everyone in your class got COVID. Son (in a happy tone): I know. Dad: How do you know and why are you so glad? Son: Well yesterday you told me to spread positivity.

Children are like a box of Christmas decorations. I keep ‘em in my basement until it’s time to hang ‘em from a tree.

what did one ocean say to the other ocean? nothing, they just WAVED. can you SEA what i did there? im SHORE you did. Why are you so SALTY? dont be a BEACH.

The reason that 👧 👧 are not 🚫 in 👦 👦 👦 👦 👦 🌳 🏘️ is because 👧 👧 can't keep their 👄 👄 👄 👄 shut about 👦 👦 👦 👦 👦 taking turns sucking each others 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭

Mom: Wake up!

Me: No, I'm too disappointed and I have a headache...

Mom: Why are you disappointed?

Me: I took 12 random pills and I still woke up...

I used to be a banker but I lost interest...

Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She always ran away from the ball.

Why can’t bikes stand? Because they are two tired (Too tired)