ADHD autist

I am from Norway and speak Norwegian, and English, of course. I LOVE HARDSTYLE! I read cat warriors. I am a Sonic fan. I have Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD and Neurofibromatosis type 1. I was born in the winter, January 27th fun fact: IPad was introduced to the rest of the world same day and year as my birth! I’ve lost faith in humanity. By the way, call me Ina
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More random keyboard words made into sentences:

This was a joke that was made by someone who had never been to the game before, but who was the first person to make it into a game of game with the intention of being able play the first person who played it.

Random words in my keyboard:

The most annoying part of this game has always been that the players don’t know how much time it takes to get to the table before you start playing them.

Me: Do you take milk before cereal, or cereal before milk?

The adult person I asked: cereal?

Me: I take the bowl first! What do you do? Do you just pour everything on the table and then eat it?

The person: yes

Me: WHAT?!!!??!!