I’m trying to see things from LEO’S perspective... but I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

Leo is like a CLOUD... when she DISAPPEARS, it's a beautiful day
I’d say Leo is as sharp as a marble, but that would be an insult to marbles.
I don't know what makes BlessedBrian so STUPID, but it REALLY works!
Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for BLESSEDBRIAN. I think he owes it an apology.
I'd insult BlessedBrian, but it seems NATURE beat me to it.
BlessedBrian is always stupid, but he’s been making a SPECIAL EFFORT recently.
If LAUGHTER is the best medicine, BLESSEDBRIAN'S JOKES are the disease.
Why don't rappers ever play hide and seek?
Because good luck HIDING when your NAME’S always dropping
Why did the rapper bring a ladder to the concert?
Because he wanted to reach NEW HEIGHTS in his performance
If laughter is contagious, LEO is immune
LEO is the reason the gene pool needs a LIFEGUARD
If LEO were a spice, she’d be flour... BLAND and FORGETTABLE
It's amazing how BLESSEDBRIAN manages to keep his head in the clouds while his FEET are FIRMLY PLANTED in mediocrity.
If BlessedBrian were any more two-faced, he’d be a Rubik’s Cube.
I've seen more depth in a kiddie pool than in BLESSEDBRIAN’s jokes.
BlessedBrian's face is like a mood ring... it turns blue whenever I'M around.
I'm surprised BLESSEDBRIAN can fit through the door, considering how INFLATED his ego is.