
My favourite online friends are Arson IWS caley Toast Sah and Gemstone!!!! Thanks for existing!!!!!
Registered on · 38 followers

thank you for 26 followers, though it doesn't matter, it makes me feel like i really am a part of this society.

Truth: I am the user @Friendly. I was missing your friendliness and all, so I became a Friend myself. It is true that I enjoy photography, and that is a hobby that will never grow old.


OOOOOHHHH those little people under your profile are your (recommended) !!! Just realised

Yo. Ima repost this so people can see this once more, before it goes under billions of other posts.

everyone's trying to kill themselves. This is not worth it. You see your problems, right? You see them. They're tough! They're hard! This is the path of life! Challenges come and go! This is to make you a stronger person! This is to train you for the path ahead! Don't waste your hard work growing up by slitting your n… Read more

chipi chipi chupa chupa snimmy snimmy snooma snooma wishi wishy wooshi wooshoo booli booli booooo

Bye I’m leaving you guys I’ve had a long journey but it’s time to end. Some of you have been wonderful! Love you. Anyway let me confirm that yuri, kidsbop hanjieungswife and junkookswife are all my friends who I introduced here, and are not my alts. They are leaving the site too, for they have also realised this has been an addicting waste of time and is impacting our lives. Goodbye

Finally escaped from the rooms of Gotham Era, though instantly jumping from the dungeons to the terrifying cuteness of the Sanrio Squad-