

a depressed kid tried to give a tree high-five but the tree left him hanging

I recently became the coach of an orphanage baseball team Because I hate dealing with parents.

what do you call an orphan if every other orphan gets picked? someone: ugly? me: no, trick question, they are still and orphan.

What’s the only other advantage of being an orphan? The teacher can’t give you homework.

the first ever picture of a black hole got released. it sucks,

Why are orphans unable to work at S.C Johnson?

Because it’s a family business.

Why aren’t orphan jokes funny? The punchline isn’t apParent.

Why does an orphans’ calendar only have 363 days?

There are no Father’s or Mother’s Days on their calendar.

what did sally say when she is stuck in the water with kelp. I NEED KELP KELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

pov: you walk up to your short friend and say how is the weather down there

me: what's the fifth month of the year Friend: May me: may deez nuts fit in your mouth

me: how do cowboys say hello? Friend: howdy me: how do deez nuts fit in your mouth

why did the Gg miller say to the loser

this is a nice reflection

What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan. An apple gets picked.

What did the orphan poker player say to the elder?

“Will you raise me?”