Ur mom


Friend:Im gonna go ask out my crush Me: fake sneezes* Sry im alergic to bullshit

Emo kids counting be like: 1,2,3 come hang with me! 4,5,6 Gonna get new slits! 7,8,9 Suicide! 10,11,12 Bring some pills!

The people in 9/11 were the fastest readers they went through 10 stories in 10 seconds

Why don’t orphans play poker? Cuz they don’t know what a full house is

I photo bombed someones selfie and then they yelled "Why would you do that i was trying to take a family photo!"

"Imagine being an orphan, could never be me" I say. For some reason everyone started crying, then I walked out of Dave's orphanage

( the plane ) we can’t go over it we can’t go under it oh no we have to go through it

Friend: Slavery isnt good Other friend: Yea its terrible Me: shut up and get me a juice

Why cant an orphan role-play Star Wars? Because they have no one to play Darth Vator

Do you know the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure." That's a horrible thing to find out when your adopted.

What happened when the emo kid gave the tree a high five it left him hanging